domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2008

"And my soul from out that shadow
that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted
Edgar Allan Poe

4 comentários:

Samica Alguém disse...

Bem vindos sejam os génios a este mundo.

não tenho mais comentarios.

Satya disse...

Our life is filled with hopes [and deceptions], dreams [and nightmares]... and then there´s still the reality [which is also packed with all that, plus the facts].
In the end, we can choose (not between them, but how to live them all) - we can lay down in the floor…or we don´t.

Anyway, besides that, “Vincent”, just like every Burton´s film (or short film, or even book), always have some craziness, better, some madness…which make it even greater. After all, not every mad person is genial, but every genius will, if not since always, eventually become mad.

Satya disse...

ps: pergunto-me pq é que eu para vir comentar aki tem de ser em ingles!!

red rice disse...

"A língua inglesa soa sempre bem... e não atraiçoa ninguém" já dizia a outra! =P